E' un lievitato da colazione soffice e molto profumato, non facilissimo da gestire a causa della presenza di pasta di limone.
L'acidità accentuata fa si che si mantenga morbido for a few days.
Ingredients: 500g flour
W 300 (alternatively, manitoba commercial)
milk 200gr sugar 135gr butter 100gr
100g blanched almonds 2 eggs, slightly roasted lemon
65gr 12gr fresh yeast salt
icing sugar, a little egg white and lemon juice.
Stir until smooth and spreadable mass.
Reduce the almonds into flour, 150gr stemperiamole in milk and bring to a boil, let cool.
us restore weight, dissolve 6 g of yeast, flour and mixed 75gr put everything in the refrigerator at 5 °.
The next morning, pull out the poolish from the fridge, melt the remaining yeast in the remaining milk, flour 50g unite and let swell.
Meanwhile, we get the zest from the lemon, we remove the pith (white part), leaving the flesh to live with the sugar and whisk well.
Preimpastato We combine the two, the eggs (reserving one yolk) a handful of flour and we start the mixer with the leaf. Let the dough
compact, slightly increasing the speed and mass into lemon wire, alternating with a dusting of flour and, once exhausted the whole, we combine the egg yolk and salt. We bring in the rope.
We combine the butter, just pliable, two times, often reversing the dough in the bowl.
Once strung, attach the hook and kneaded at high speed until the icing.
Ingredients: 500g flour
W 300 (alternatively, manitoba commercial)
milk 200gr sugar 135gr butter 100gr
100g blanched almonds 2 eggs, slightly roasted lemon
65gr 12gr fresh yeast salt
icing sugar, a little egg white and lemon juice.
Stir until smooth and spreadable mass.
Reduce the almonds into flour, 150gr stemperiamole in milk and bring to a boil, let cool.
us restore weight, dissolve 6 g of yeast, flour and mixed 75gr put everything in the refrigerator at 5 °.
The next morning, pull out the poolish from the fridge, melt the remaining yeast in the remaining milk, flour 50g unite and let swell.
Meanwhile, we get the zest from the lemon, we remove the pith (white part), leaving the flesh to live with the sugar and whisk well.
Preimpastato We combine the two, the eggs (reserving one yolk) a handful of flour and we start the mixer with the leaf. Let the dough
compact, slightly increasing the speed and mass into lemon wire, alternating with a dusting of flour and, once exhausted the whole, we combine the egg yolk and salt. We bring in the rope.
We combine the butter, just pliable, two times, often reversing the dough in the bowl.
Once strung, attach the hook and kneaded at high speed until the icing.

Rounded, cover with plastic wrap and let double the volume at 26 °.
reversed the dough on work surface and let the folds of type 2 , we cover a bell.
reversed the dough on work surface and let the folds of type 2 , we cover a bell.

After 15 'format and transfer it into a greased mold (not floured), brush with egg white.

be doubled to 26 °

pennelliamo di nuovo ed inforniamo a 180° fino a cottura.
Appena fuori dal forno, pennelliamo abbondantemente con la glassa e reinforniamo per 2’ (non oltre)
Appena fuori dal forno, pennelliamo abbondantemente con la glassa e reinforniamo per 2’ (non oltre)