Causa ritardo nella partenza, posto una ricettina facile facile, sicuramente già nota ai più, ma che può tornar comoda a chi non riesce ad ottenere un sorbetto cremoso e scioglievole.
Poi vado, la Sicilia mi aspetta ;)
500 + 15gr acqua
170gr zucchero
50gr glucosio
1 albume
succo di 6 limoni medi
zeste grattugiata di 2 limoni
un pizzichino di sale
Portiamo ad ebollizione la prima part of the water with the lemon zest, 110gr sugar, salt and glucose. Then cool down and join the lemon juice. We transfer to freezer.
water poured into a pan and then the last remaining 60g of sugar, bring to 120 degrees and pour wire mounted on the album. We continue to mount up to that by raising the whip does not get a tip, like an eagle's beak.
Put a little 'time to the liquid, not frozen yet, on the meringue, stirring with a whisk. Mix well and we put in the freezer.
quickly lapping the mixture with a whisk, about every hour, or formed as soon as we see a certain amount of ice crystals until completely frozen (the latter sometimes use an electric whisk or a spoon).
serving, garnish with slices of lemon zest and mint leaves and wires.