Friday, June 11, 2010

My Victoria Secret Bra Is Leaking

Care IV - Back Home

I've already been at other times of feeling like the classic elephant in a china shop. This time is different. This time I feel like a crystal in a elefanteria.

Chapter I - Ambulation with crutches in partial load. Translation: I can walk with crutches fully support the plan of the broken leg on the ground but with no load the weight of the body. Maximum 10kg, almost the weight of the leg. Stuff out of balance.
's all very difficult, but the palm of the difficulty is at the opening and closing doors, a task that involves the following steps:
  1. approaching the door to be able to insert the key and open
  2. to bounce back away and start to throw it open
  3. always jumps away very quickly to avoid being overwhelmed by the door that is opening up beyond
  4. the door, stopping just beyond the door and turn
  5. danced with style Dying Swan Nurayev to lean in order to recover and start closing the door
  6. quick hop back to avoid fractures by maxillofacial spatasciamento against the door Closing
  7. back to the door and close it.
This operation is repeated four volte (2 portoni più apertura e chiusura dell'ascensore) ad ogni trasferimento dalla camera da letto alla cucina poiché casa dei miei, dove mi trovo per ovvi motivi di scarsa indipendenza fisica, è su due piani, collegati da scala a chiocciola assimilabile a parete rocciosa. L'unica alternativa è passare da fuori.

Capitolo II - Le ultime parole famose. 
Vedrete che le calze antitrombo  e le punture le dovrò sospendere non appena non sarò più sempre a letto. Al massimo dovrò continuare a farle per una settimana.
40gg. Quaranta giorni. Devo andare avanti a fare punture e a vestirmi from hooker to forty (fucking) day. Diodellecittààààààààààà (... and dell'immensitààààààààà).

Chapter III - Small steps for mankind, big step for Sac
three days of strenuous resistance. The threat of horror bulb. Abhorrence of the pan (sitting on his stool is not pleasant). Back
concerning the white throne to sit on this basis that he did absolutely the most beautiful, glorious, liberating evacuation of my life. Yes, just slap a piece of shit.
I swear, I had not done it I would come up even dragging on the floor with the power of language.


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