Sunday, March 6, 2011

Underarm Odor*treatment

January winner

Non ci speravate più vero???

Mi scuso personalmente per questo ritardo, per febbraio miglioreremo.

tornando a noi la vincitrice è ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Glenda

con questa bellissima pagina.

Glenda eccoti il blinkie che puoi aggiungere sul tuo blog per esser la nostra guest design.


UPDATE: il blinkie è stato designato dalla bravissima Katia, grazie Katia

Congratulazioni e grazie per aver partecipato.

Tutte le partecipanti che fanno parte di SCC passate sul forum per assegnare I punti.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Can You Develop An Allergy To Adderall?

the Danube

It 's the sweet version of the classic Danube , is usually filled with custard and black cherry, but I much prefer the zabaglione cream.

The procedure is a bit 'hard-working, but the lightness of the crumb and spinning the hard work pays off;)

Ingredients: 700gr flour
00 W 300 (in Alternative cut Manitoba business with 20% flour, 11% protein) 200g whole milk

110gr butter 120g sugar 30g lard
12gr sale
12gr lievito fresco
20gr miele
4 uova (medie)
1 tuorlo
Zeste grattugiata di 1 arancia

Amarene sciroppate

Crema zabaione:
180gr latte intero
200gr panna fresca
120gr marsala
120gr zucchero
2 uova medie
30gr farina
25gr amido di mais
Un pizzico di sale.
Portiamo ad ebollizione il latte, la panna e 30gr di zucchero.
Nel frattempo, mescoliamo le uova, lo zucchero, il sale e le polveri, senza montare. Uniamo il marsala.
Versiamo a filo il latte caldo sul composto, mescolando con una frusta, trasferiamo sul fuoco dolce e portiamo ad ebollizione, senza smettere di mescolare. Cuociamo per ancora 3 ', then remove from heat and transfer to a cold water bath, stirring occasionally, until it cools.
Transfer the container in the refrigerator.

Mix the warmed milk with 180g of flour, yeast and a teaspoon of honey and let swell.

Meanwhile, melt 30g of butter, add the zest, heat until the early sizzle and cool.

Beat the leaf, join the Preimpastato, 1 egg, 25g of sugar and much flour as necessary to shrink the mass. Let wire then join 20gr of butter.
absorption attach the hook and let string.
cover with plastic and transferred to 26 ° until triples volume (ca 60 ')

With the hook, shut the stringing, we combine all the egg whites and a part of the flour and work to develop the gluten.
We put one egg at a time, followed by a piece of sugar and a little later by a sprinkling of flour, until you finish the three ingredients.
With the mixture well in string, add the butter (just soft) three times. Once absorbed, the last to join the lard and butter flavored.
work, reversing the mixture occasionally, until the "veil".

Let stand 15 ', rounded and then we transfer refrigerate at 4-5 ° for approx. 12 hours in an airtight container.

restore the container at room temp. environment, and the first signs of rising let a couple of rounds 2 folds. Rounded.

After 15 ', break it into chunks 25g and round loosely.

Starting with the first and the closing high, appiattiamoli until you get a disk rather thin.

We have plenty in the middle a teaspoon of cream and some cherry syrup and close as shown in the photos.

arrange the beads into a mold, a little distance between them.

Cover with cling film and leave to double to 30 degrees.

Brush with lightly beaten egg white and bake at 180 degrees until cooked.

system of three in the muffin molds, we can form portions of breakfast.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Are Hair Color Removers Damaging?

Every first Saturday of the month at 14.30 meeting of the Friends of the Centre at the Society of St. Antonio, via Merulana 124.
For confirmation call
cell. 347 7721328

at 16.00 - Holy Mass at the Chapel Cesi (first left)
of the Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore

Excluding the months of January, July and August

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Female Runners Birthday Cake

Dust to dust

In Milan, the pollution rate is so high that there are people who commit suicide, instead of closing the box with the car on, turn into town with the windows down.

The PM10, experts say, is a type of pollution that belongs to the least developed countries, typical of megacities like Cairo backward, at least before the revolution greatly reduced traffic, which, inter alia, suggests that could be the solution to the problem.

Fashion Week: Fall / Winter collection.
To address the problem Moratti, who is a mayor as Attila is ... a mayor, chose to try to do as little as possible and could not make it rain by law or nullify the Brownian motion (the physical phenomenon that prevents the PM10 to settle by gravity) by decree, has opted for a Sunday walk That is to say wait and hope that sooner or later it's raining or the wind gets up or evolve a Milan-based benzene metabolism.

Also not to risk playing a few voters in the forthcoming elections, the list of waivers and permits issued during movement of these Sundays are so long that the police said that if this happens again the measure, will issue directly to the list votes of those who can not move, it is more corta. Proteste del garante della privacy, pare che il provvedimento alla fine riguardi solo alcuni anziani affetti da forme particolarmente gravi di meteorismo. E che comunque si stima non arrivino vivi alle prossime elezioni.

Oltre alle domeniche a piedi da ieri il tentativo di arginare l'inquinamento passa per i nuovi limiti di velocità sulle strade a scorrimento veloce della città e dintorni, tangenziali e superstrade, messi tutti a 70 all'ora, ovvero 65 km orari più alti della velocità media che si registra su quelle strade all'ora di punta. Registrati grossi disagi: decine di pendolari, quando hanno visto i nuovi limiti, sono scesi dalle macchine ferme in coda colti da scariche di risate isteriche.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Streaming Mario Salieri Full

Gallery Sketch of the participants to January February

Grazie a tutte per aver partecipato.

A brevissimo per la vincitrice di Gennaio.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Pedal Powered Pontoon Boat Plans

Siamo già al 15 di febbraio, solo per questo mese non abbiamo ancora chiuso la sfida di gennaio che però era partita in ritardo.

Ecco a voi lo sketch di febbraio


Ci sono davvero un bel pò di foto per la precisione 10 foto, come al solito potrete interpretare lo sketch anche con un numero di foto inferiore.

Come promesso anche questo mese potrete trovare il file per PhotoShop QUA , spero che il tutorial di Annalisa vi sia particolarmente utile per la stampa delle foto.

Ma veniamo alle interpretazioni.

La mia come al solito sono dell’anno 2009 quando Edoardo era piccino picciò.


Erika lo ha interpretato in modo stupendo, facendolo diventare un layout singolo:


Lara lo ha interpretato in modo fedelissimo facendo uno strepitoso layout digitale e inviandomi questa bella animazione.


L’interpretazione di Lea è molto estiva:


Per questo mese la guest design è una mia cara amica.


Per partecipare alla sfida dovrete postare il vostro layout entro il 15 marzo 2011 , volevo sottolineare che non c’è bisogno di avere un blog, si possono also post photos in public galleries.

In addition to the sketch as I said earlier we have created an email address where you send your work if I do not want to load up a gallery and / or if you have a blog. the address is unloalmese (at) gmail (dot) com We look forward to many


Friday, February 4, 2011

Entire Bible - Samoan Online

Ipse Dixit

The author, a critical spirit and a lover of free thought, probably would not appreciate the reference in the title, but also probably never even know of this quote.

The fact remains that in the morning, when I think I could write something about what happens around here (here is where the world), I read his blog and I am forced to accept that he wrote it before me (easy with the local time zone) and above all much better.

We welcome all together in the "circuit" of blogs that I follow to Vittorio Zucconi with its Real Time

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Toothache Swollen Jaw And Neck

Sketch Tutorial

Today we are surprised with special effects, thanks to Annaelle , which I asked if he could write a tutorial on how to use a file. Psd template to print the photos in order to interpret sketch a layout on paper.

Annaelle was kind enough to accept it and used just the sketch that we proposed in January. But now give the floor to her.

"Start by opening the file with the sketch and the image that I want to put in the box bigger.


I select the entire picture (CTRL + A) and I see appear in the dotted rectangle that shows me just the selected area and copy (CTRL + C)


At this point I click on the image of sketch in the layer window and find the relevant range the bigger picture (simple because it already is called Big Picture. Click on the arrow on the left to view the content of the group then click on Layer 2 (which corresponds to the black rectangle) while down the CTRL key. In this way load the selection that has the same shape and position of the rectangle.



Then Paste Into (CTRL + SHIFT + V) in this way is I created a form that lets me see only the selection, the picture remains in this form and I can zoom in or out at will.


For photos that appear inclined instead proceed in a different way:
I create a file (CTRL + N) of the dimensions shown in the sketch, for example 9.5 cm x7 making sure it is set to 300 dpi resolution optimal for printing


open the image I want to put in that position in the sketch and as the first select all (CTRL + A) and copy it (CTRL + C)


Then paste the file you created earlier (I position it on the file and hit CTRL + V )


resize (CTRL + T) and move it as I prefer. Then again select the latter version of the image (CTRL + A) and copy it (CTRL + C). How did the selection on the first load photos x7 9.5 (by clicking with the mouse and holding down the CTRL key on the corresponding layer of the black rectangle photo 9.5 x7) and paste it in (CTRL + SHIFT + V). Once again, I can rotate and adjust for the effect I prefer.


And here is the LO that is taking shape. We say that this final stage of copying the image in the sketch is not essential but gives me an idea of \u200b\u200bthe whole and then I may decide to rearrange the photos.

When I realized all the pictures I have so many separate files sizes and file with the sketch that looks like this:

What to do with all the individual files? Simple put them in a printable format "or, depending on the size of the photos I choose a format that can contain my photos so the first step is to create me a file in Photoshop. Take the case of 13x19, but here the first trap shoot. When we say 13x19 is a simplification of the actual size of the photos will be 12.7 x19cm. This the info I got from a photographer who told me that the paper sizes depend on the optimization of the "Hose Reel" photo paper that is used for printing. He had given me a bell'elenco actual size of that now, for convenience, you can also find information on Photocity ( here) one of the service to which I entrust myself often, especially in large quantities.:
like above I create a new file (CTRL + N) of size 12.7 x19cm (the print size that I chose) and, with the select all (CTRL + A), copy (CTRL + C) and paste (CTRL + V) I'm going to make the files for printing. I try to compose the picture to fill the space better.



split the photos into groups from the File menu and then select the Save As (save as), the window that opens decide where to save the image, the name you want to give (eg stampa1) and the format in which you want to save the file (. jpg)


in this way we have our files ready for printing. "

I am sure that there is this little tutorial helpful.

you soon.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Get A Fake Ontario License

As such it is not ... fuck you!

I have the same mobile number since I went to university, perhaps having just changed 2 times the rate plan. At home I have the same membership since 2006, when I activated the phone + ADSL Liena.
I always sensed, thought, suspect that the whole pantomime of the various telephone bids in fact serve only to conceal the manner in which the telephone company at the end of the case would have put me in the ass. Matter of common sense: no one gives you anything, if someone makes you pay much less for others is something that will make you pay for something much more than others.

Now I have proof. And it's worse than I thought. In particular the astonishing accuracy of rates and offers scientifically, designed for the millimeter to imply that there is real competition and choice when on the contrary there is one big Hydra multi-head and multi bird that has all our asses.

The fee back from the window
I started to investigate this issue when I discovered that Skype offers the ability to call any landline in Italy of a lump sum of about € 6 per month, if it adds up to an average cost of ADSL flat rate of € 20 a month (it is curious to note that the proposals of the companies are all the same? strange true?), the total would be 26 euro per month for unlimited telephone and internet.
pity that having a contract that provides only the ADSL at the same time without the active even a telephone line (with another operator, funny thing ...) is impossible: only Tiscali offers it, but at 30 euro per month, which, coincidentally, is about the price of most phone contracts + ADSL so-called "light" (the ones where you pay the connection charge for calls). Morale still be done (only ADSL or telephone + ADSL light), 30 + 6, we are at 36 € for the solution of the above Skype already very similar to that costs about 40 € a contract phone + ADSL flat.
But it is not enough to make the move, however, must pay the contribution of termination, about 80 euro, and the cost has gone down the drain. As there is no need
techniques to co-line telephone and ADSL, as evidenced by the fact that, in fact, Tiscali ADSL offers the individual, we can not conclude otherwise stated by the famous canon that will not pay more lascinado Telecom, in fact we continue to pay it.

Come away with me ...
It could be argued, many players, if you choose to have their bird in the ass, you have lubricating deals for a few months make you pay less, and then, skipping every one to two years to bring to one another If a reasonable economic benefit. In the above example, switching to Infostrada for about 24 months, the total rate phone + ADSL + Skype would actually be about 26 €. And after two years changing and convenience continues. True ...
pity that, in addition to force you to make a profession of change of provider, this is simply the result of a clear agreement between the operators at the end on average took a certain period of time, the number of users who spend For example, from Tiscali to Infostrada, for the contract Infostrada at 20 €, will be almost equal to the number of users rising from Tiscali for Infostrada, guess what '?!, an almost identical contract a. .. 20 €! Ingenious, no? We exchange the ass, but we always put in the ass at the same number of people! Plus every few years we pocketed a bit 'of money in the form of criminal aggratis for termination of contract. Criminal, inter alia, decreases the degree of actual cost of switching from one operator to another ...

... continue ...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Porcelain Figurine Repair

Unveiling the mystery!

In very difficult times that luminary of Italian literature by the name of Paolo Rossi and did not play the championship by 82, giving voice to an urgent question for many of us teenagers onanists desperate, asked:

If it is true that in the world for every man there are 7 women,
who is the bastard has 14?

Here, I would say that now we know ...