Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Can You Develop An Allergy To Adderall?

the Danube

It 's the sweet version of the classic Danube , is usually filled with custard and black cherry, but I much prefer the zabaglione cream.

The procedure is a bit 'hard-working, but the lightness of the crumb and spinning the hard work pays off;)

Ingredients: 700gr flour
00 W 300 (in Alternative cut Manitoba business with 20% flour, 11% protein) 200g whole milk

110gr butter 120g sugar 30g lard
12gr sale
12gr lievito fresco
20gr miele
4 uova (medie)
1 tuorlo
Zeste grattugiata di 1 arancia

Amarene sciroppate

Crema zabaione:
180gr latte intero
200gr panna fresca
120gr marsala
120gr zucchero
2 uova medie
30gr farina
25gr amido di mais
Un pizzico di sale.
Portiamo ad ebollizione il latte, la panna e 30gr di zucchero.
Nel frattempo, mescoliamo le uova, lo zucchero, il sale e le polveri, senza montare. Uniamo il marsala.
Versiamo a filo il latte caldo sul composto, mescolando con una frusta, trasferiamo sul fuoco dolce e portiamo ad ebollizione, senza smettere di mescolare. Cuociamo per ancora 3 ', then remove from heat and transfer to a cold water bath, stirring occasionally, until it cools.
Transfer the container in the refrigerator.

Mix the warmed milk with 180g of flour, yeast and a teaspoon of honey and let swell.

Meanwhile, melt 30g of butter, add the zest, heat until the early sizzle and cool.

Beat the leaf, join the Preimpastato, 1 egg, 25g of sugar and much flour as necessary to shrink the mass. Let wire then join 20gr of butter.
absorption attach the hook and let string.
cover with plastic and transferred to 26 ° until triples volume (ca 60 ')

With the hook, shut the stringing, we combine all the egg whites and a part of the flour and work to develop the gluten.
We put one egg at a time, followed by a piece of sugar and a little later by a sprinkling of flour, until you finish the three ingredients.
With the mixture well in string, add the butter (just soft) three times. Once absorbed, the last to join the lard and butter flavored.
work, reversing the mixture occasionally, until the "veil".

Let stand 15 ', rounded and then we transfer refrigerate at 4-5 ° for approx. 12 hours in an airtight container.

restore the container at room temp. environment, and the first signs of rising let a couple of rounds 2 folds. Rounded.

After 15 ', break it into chunks 25g and round loosely.

Starting with the first and the closing high, appiattiamoli until you get a disk rather thin.

We have plenty in the middle a teaspoon of cream and some cherry syrup and close as shown in the photos.

arrange the beads into a mold, a little distance between them.

Cover with cling film and leave to double to 30 degrees.

Brush with lightly beaten egg white and bake at 180 degrees until cooked.

system of three in the muffin molds, we can form portions of breakfast.


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