If like me you thought the Frisian cows were Bergamo, well, you were wrong. The Frisian Islands are, and what is more Dutch. Then the Dutch and Bergamo, understood as languages, are often indistinguishable, both among themselves and in a general sense, this is true but is another aspect of the problem.
Another aspect of the problem is the equally widespread belief that Holland, or rather would say, the Netherlands, are essential to identify in termini di:
- Per il turista debosciato italo-spagnolo: Amsterdam, canna, prostituta, funghetto, "Cioè noi in tenda cioè si sta male dopo qualche giorno sai no cioè l'umidità che poi mica ti puoi portare tutto no cioè che qualcosa lo devi lasciare a casa tipo noi si è lasciati i materassini !!!" (Premio Bagaglio Essenziale 2010)
- Per il turista italo-giapponese: Amsterdam, canale, bicicletta, mulino a vento, tulipano.
La verità è che un'altra Olanda è possibile, fatta di vento e bici, quelle si, e anche di mulini, ma con l'aggiunta di dune, foche, uccelli strani, isole selvagge, sbarchi di carrette del mare, amphibious vehicles, storm, countless dams, geese, rabbits, camping style woodstock, albino insects, and much more, but for which no one has Verman want to read now.
Wanting to avoid the cliché of the comments then slides the holidays, whereas in google earth panoramio and anyone can see the photos anyone anywhere, without quandunque (and also the fact that we had two cameras in two for a total of 500 photographs according to a conservative estimate), and noting that the Lonely Planet guide Holland provides the most information about the posts in question would simply offer some tips and observations to a condensation of the most significant images.
Frisian Islands are megalomaniacs of the sandbanks off the north coast of Holland.
total of 5, but reached the last two cases (from west to east, and I would recommend going to forget the contrary, the wind could make meatballs you unceremoniously) becomes more difficult since direct connections island-island for the latter there are only one or two during the entire summer and on land, at least one day a bike to go after boarding. We had to give it up for time and money, and perhaps also because after the first three already offer an overall more than satisfactory: this is the tour we did (click and download the GPS).
total of 5, but reached the last two cases (from west to east, and I would recommend going to forget the contrary, the wind could make meatballs you unceremoniously) becomes more difficult since direct connections island-island for the latter there are only one or two during the entire summer and on land, at least one day a bike to go after boarding. We had to give it up for time and money, and perhaps also because after the first three already offer an overall more than satisfactory: this is the tour we did (click and download the GPS).
Texel, the eldest, is a kind of rural Holland in miniature, with dunes protect it from the open sea and poulder the inland sea, the villages are nice and there is something for everyone, from holiday like Rimini (in the North Sea have a theoretical kinship with the Adriatic and the Dutch average a purely phylogenetic relationship alivello of ribosomal DNA from the Italian Riviera with beef) the gem Lovecraftian gods populated by fishermen and the cycle Chtullhu. Do not miss the boat and transfer by road to megacamionjeepanfibio Vlieland, to book as places are just (ask the local tourist offices, give you useless info that could be obsolete tomorrow.)
Vlieland, the child should be a pristine paradise of peace and harmony away from everyone. BALLS: it is actually an island prison where they are confined to all teenagers in the Netherlands for exceeding the threshold of hormonal guard, crammed into a huge camp in Oost-Vlieland, run by ladies and antipaticissime ignoble and expensive as hell (there should be two more camps island in the middle, perhaps there is better, if you were to see let me know). The island is so much to go through all the arrival of the ferry from Texel to the departure of Terschelling, then you've seen everything. One night is the necessary price to pay, but fled before you. From the northern tip of the island, with a good pair of binoculars you should be able to see the seals.
is about 10km from Terschelling Vlieland: just to understand the distinguished navigator who took care of us during the week, landed on the island, said that as the crow flies to the nearest campsite was on the island last year. Too bad that we used to get 3 hours and a half (and 70 € total) ferry port on the mainland: for the direct transfers are only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, so be careful. Terschelling is Eden. Instead of apples are the fruits we call berries but they are not blueberries, people go around dressed normally (or rather, as we
The proof that we are a pussy people, including me ... |
L'inferno in terra è una diga controvento . Se dovessi dare un suggerimento direi: partite da Amsterdam, andate in treno fino a Den Helder, fate il giro delle isole, se riuscite andate fino a Groningen e poi tornate ad Amsterdam in treno. Ma se come noi decidete di lasciare la macchina a Den Helder, fate una sosta a Makkum la sera, perché il giorno dopo vi attende la più dura delle salite: la terribile Afsluitdijk, 30km di diga assolutamente pianeggiante e dritta ma che 364 giorni l'anno è sferzata dal vento che soffia da ovest, e voi dovete farla da est! E se la sofferenza fisica non è sufficiente come deterrente, sappiate che dovrete anche sopportare gli sberleffi degli allegri 80enni che procedendo sulla pista ciclabile a favore di vento vi sfrecceranno di fianco a 50 all'ora senza la minima fatica. Ovviamente se avete culo piove, altrimenti diluvia.
Considerazione finale : la quota media delle isole, dune escluse, è qualche metro sotto il livello del mare, i ghiacciai si stanno sciogliendo. Morale: se dovete programmare un viaggio in zona, spicciatevi.
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