Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How To Load Fire Red In Vba

Laughing to keep from crying

Milan, one day every week, about 18. For those accustomed to the geography Milanese, intersection of Via Melchiorre Gioia and the pursuit of street Vitruvius, direction to Central Station.

in all directions, as far as the eye, rivers of cars, each filled with its load of hysteria compressed and immobile. In fact there is little of the river, the river flows, and the tangle of sheets is stopped, paralyzed unable to move thousands where you could go into a maximum of ten. Without a static noise, pollution, thousands engine running at thousands of rpm, which makes millions of rotations per minute, which I do not know how many, but so many gallons of gasoline burned only to stay there. Fermi. Thousands of metaphorical balls that rotate in the illusion of machines from 180km / h forced in anger still.

From the train runs into a bus Melchiorre Gioia, sadly also kidnapped in the selfishness of the thousands of individuals who snubbed the public transportation in favor of private block. On the side of the image of a young man, jacket-tie-briefcase, breathless in the race (for the bus seems to sense) on the one hand, clumsy and wobbly on a bike on the other. The slogan gives him hope: "Buy a car, costs less than you think!" . The bus is even sadder.

The traffic light is green, go back in the saddle, with An easy ride dribble the two parked cars in the middle of the intersection while motorists behind me pushing on clacsono and dream that the sound wave can erode their own kind that prevent it from proceeding, only to hang themselves in the middle of the same intersection. Step and accelerated the car still pulling to the left.

And while I pedal over the tangles out of breath I think the young man who can finally buy the car and stuck in traffic, but no more breathless hysterical and angry as befits the modern man. And riding smile.

And while I pedal I think that if a giant sale on-line use this message is because know that will be useful to rely on the desires of the young men of this city and not only civil and Europe. If you go by bike or by the means you are a loser, someone who can not afford a car, an inconvenient: the home is there, at hand, costs less than you think. Yours, of ease. And if this city becomes unlivable what interests you when your horizon stops at your cabin? And riding cry. I entered the PM10 in the eye.


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