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documenti - 40 anni della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi

"This is God's will:
your sanctification" (1 Thessalonians 4:3).

"The Saints are not represented in the past, but are the present and the future of the Church and society. They fully realized that 'Caritas in Veritate who is the supreme value of the Christian life " said Benedict XVI at the Vatican getting officers and employees of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints on the occasion of the celebration of the anniversary 40/mo department.


Sala Clementina
Sabato, 19 dicembre 2009

Cari fratelli e sorelle, desidero esprimere a tutti voi la gioia di incontrarvi!
Saluto con viva cordialità i Signori Cardinali, Archbishops and Bishops present. I extend my special greeting to the Prefect of the Congregation, Archbishop Angelo Amato, and I thank him for his kind and loving words on everyone's behalf, he wished to address. With him I greet the Secretary of the Congregation , Under-Secretary, Priests, Religious, Theological and Historical Consultants, the postulates, the Officials Lay and medical experts, along with their families, and all employees.

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The special circumstance that vi vede riuniti intorno al Successore di Pietro è la celebrazione del 40. mo anniversario dell'istituzione della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi , che ha conferito una forma più organica e moderna all’azione di discernimento che la Chiesa, fin dalle origini, ha messo in atto per riconoscere la santità di tanti suoi figli. La creazione del vostro Dicastero è stata preparata dagli interventi dei miei predecessori, specialmente Sisto V, Urbano VIII e Benedetto XIV, ed è stata realizzata nel 1969 dal Servo di Dio Paolo VI , grazie al quale un complesso di esperienze, di contributi scientifici, di norme procedurali si è andato configurando in una sintesi intelligente ed equilibrata, flowing in the erection of a new congregation.
I activity is well known that, in this forty years, the Congregation has developed, with competence, to serve and the people of God, providing a significant contribution to the work of evangelization. In fact, when the Church worships a saint, preach the Gospel and the effectiveness discovers with joy that the presence of Christ in the world, adored and believed in faith, is able to transform human life and produce fruits of salvation for the whole 'humanity. In addition, each beatification and canonization, for Christians, a strong encouragement to live with intensity and enthusiasm to follow Christ, walking toward the fullness of Christian life and perfection of charity (cf. Lumen Gentium , 40). In light of these fruits, we understand the important role played by the Congregation in assisting the individual stages of an event of such singular beauty and depth, documenting the emergence of loyalty that sensus fidelium which is an important factor in the recognition of holiness.
Saints, a sign of the radical newness which the Son of God, by his incarnation, death and resurrection, has engaged in human nature and outstanding witnesses to the faith, are not agents of the past, but are the present and the future of the Church and society. They fully realized that Caritas in Veritate who is the supreme value of the Christian life, and I like the faces of a prism, on which, with different nuances, reflecting the one light that is Christ.
The life of these extraordinary figures of believers belonging to all regions of the earth, has two important constants that I would like to emphasize.
First, their relationship with the Lord, even when conventional routes along, never tired and repetitive, but always expresses mode real, live, original and comes from a dialogue with the Lord strong and compelling, that improves and enriches even the external forms.
also in the lives of these brothers of ours stands the continuous pursuit of evangelical perfection, rejection of mediocrity and the aspiration to belong completely to Christ. "Be holy, for I the Lord your God, am holy 'is the admonition, quoted in the book of Leviticus (19:2), God addresses Moses. It makes us realize that holiness is to strive constantly high standard of Christian life, conquering challenging, continuous research of communion with God, which makes the believer committed to "match" with the utmost generosity as possible to the design of love the Father has for him and the entire humanity.
The main stages of the recognition of the sanctity of the Church, that the beatification and canonization, are joined together by a bond of great consistency. To these are added, as an essential preparatory stage, the declaration of the virtues or the martyrdom of a Servant of God and the determination of some extraordinary gift, a miracle that the Lord grants through the intercession of his faithful servant.
Quanta sapienza pedagogica si manifesta in tale itinerario! In un primo momento, il Popolo di Dio è invitato a guardare a quei fratelli che, dopo un primo accurato discernimento, vengono proposti come modelli di vita cristiana; quindi, viene esortato a rivolgere loro un culto di venerazione e di invocazione circoscritto nell'ambito di Chiese locali o di Ordini religiosi; infine è chiamato ad esultare con l’intera comunità dei credenti per la certezza che, grazie alla solenne proclamazione pontificia, un suo figlio o una sua figlia ha raggiunto la gloria di Dio, dove partecipa alla perenne intercessione di Cristo in favore dei fratelli (cfr Ebr 7,25) .
In questo walk the Church welcomes with joy and wonder of the miracles that God in His infinite goodness, freely gives it to confirm the preaching of the Gospel (cf. Mk 16:20). Welcomes also the witness of the martyrs as the most intense and clear configuration to Christ.
This progressive manifestation of holiness in believers is to be in the style chosen by God to men and at the same time, it is part of the way in which God's people grow in faith and knowledge of Truth.
The gradual approach to the "full light" emerges in a unique way in the transition from beatification to canonization. In this way, in fact, take place in events of great religious and cultural vitality, in which liturgical prayer, popular devotion, imitation of the virtues, theological and historical study, attention to "signs from above" are intertwined and mutually enriching. In fact this is done a particular way of the promise of Jesus to his disciples of all time: "The Spirit of truth will guide you into all truth" (cf. Jn 16:13). The testimony of the saints, in fact, highlights and makes known ever new aspects of the Gospel message.
As has been well emphasized words from the ECC. mo Prefect in the itinerary for the recognition of holiness, reveals a wealth of spiritual and pastoral care that involves the entire Christian community. Holiness, that is, the transfiguration of people and human realities in the image of the risen Christ, is the ultimate goal of the salvation plan of God, as Saint Paul tells us: "This is the will of God, your sanctification" (1 Ts 4.3).
Dear brothers and sisters, the solemnity of Christmas, which we are preparing to shine fully reflect the dignity of every man, called to become In the experience of the Holy Son of God that dignity is realized in the concrete historical circumstances, of temperament, to decide freely and responsibly the supernatural gifts.
Encouraged by such a large number of witnesses, so we should hurry up to the Lord that is, raising the beautiful invocation which culminates in a hymn of Te Deum : " Aeterna fac cum Sanctis Tuis in numeraries glory 'in your glorious coming, welcome, O Word Incarnate, in the assembly of your saints.
With these wishes, I willingly express to each fervent wishes for the upcoming holidays Christmas and with affection I impart my Apostolic Blessing.

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