17 gennaio 1927
Morte Preziosa La mattina del 17 gennaio 1927 , circa le ore 7, uscì per recarsi, secondo il suo solito, a S. Maria Maggiore. Portava una valigetta e l'ombrello, essendo cattivo tempo. Avendo salita la lunga scalinata dalla parte dell'abside della Basilica, entrò in chiesa molto affannata. Andò ad inginocchiarsi vicino ad Annetta alla balaustra della Sacra culla, ove si celebrava una Messa. Poi, passando alla cappella del Sacramento, fece la sua Comunione. Annetta che l'aveva preceduta, compiute le sue devozioni, la salutò e partì per la scuola.
Poco dopo Giuseppina went to the sacristy, and, after the venerable baptistery where was baptized, went to the parish priest Msgr Fulvio Antonelli to ask who should deliver the collected alms for the Holy Childhood.
These, as I said in a written report, he knew only by sight and reputation of Joseph, but before that day had not had the opportunity to talk to her. After he had answered your question, took the opportunity to speak to what she had done for the good of the population of the Roman, especially during the outbreak of the English in 1918, works which he knew so well. Joseph also remembered some episodes and thanked the Lord for what he could do:
Lo diceva - scrive Mons. Antonelli - con animo pieno di santa gioia.
- Ma - concludeva - sono malata di cuore, e questa mattina, se sapesse quanto soffro!.. Sia fatta la volontà del Signore!
Io - continua Mons. Antonelli - le raccomandai di aversi riguardo per l'asilo di Ponte Mammolo.
Giuseppina dopo un atto di riverenza all'Altare della Confessione, andò a porsi nell'inginocchiatoio che sta davanti alla Cappella Paolina, per chiedere la benedizione alla Madonna ‘Salus Populi Romani’. Era da pochi minuti in preghiera, when suddenly cried "I'm dying, help!".
was ready to rush the job description, Mr.. Tobia Ruffaldi, there in for cleaning, which held her and took her to the side of the central pair of columns to the left, where the other ladies sat down on a chair.
Tobias ran to tell my pastor, who arrived promptly and saw her, and knew immediately that it was a heart attack. Monsignor Joseph had just seen, he asked for absolution, except that those not assuming an end so near, gave her a simple blessing. Avvedutasene, Joseph said "She's not me gave absolution, give me, give me absolution! ". Then Monsignor suggested some thoughts of love and trust in God, and after she had said the act of contrition, and gave her absolution . Giuseppina Now, with a smile, raising his eyes to Heaven: "Lord - he muttered - as thank you! I offer my life! ".
lost consciousness, and soon made his innocent soul to God and holy
He had good reason to thank the Lord had in fact achieved what he desired: close your eyes forever in the Church after Communion.
So in the Temple of the Mother of God, before the His antiquated image 'Salus Populi Romani', when he began his life with the baptism of grace, with the death also started the race to the life of glory.
Sunrise and sunset in the maternal gaze of Mary.
from "Coradazzi-Factors - Life and virtue of Josephine Berettoni.
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