Monday, December 21, 2009

Pain In My Left Shoulder And Breast

the stollen

teased by Marco (Cansado Coquinaria up, a great connoisseur of Teutonic cuisine, and not only) on FB, I have tried in a preparation that did not know directly and that I had ever attracted, due to the extensive use of spices and the final consistency is not exactly "soft."

Wrong: aromas and flavors are so intense and enveloping to capture the taste buds of even those who do not like spices, yeast a particular and indefinable, half way between cake and gingerbread.

I started from recipe Marco holding the forum Coquinaria and I adapted to my way of conceiving soared.

It 's a German Christmas cake, traditionally is prepared on December 6 and left to mature in a cool place until Christmas Day, but I assure you that already after two days is excellent and can be a viable alternative increased from our anniversary.
Another great recipe, brilliantly conceived and performed by Robert, find it here .

W 300
1kg flour 3 eggs 370gr

milk 300g sugar 350g butter

20g fresh yeast 20g salt grated zest of two lemons

700gr raisins 150g candied orange

250g dried apricots 250g almonds
toasted and chopped ginger nutmeg

cinnamon 1 vanilla pod

cardamom 1 teaspoon honey

300gr farina di mandorle, 170gr zucchero semolato, 170gr zucchero a velo, 1 albume, poche gocce di estratto di mandorla amara
Impastare tutto a freddo, avvolgere in pellicola e riporre in frigo.

burro fuso, zucchero semolato e a velo.

Sera, poolish aromatizzato con:
250gr di latte a temp. ambiente, 125gr di farina, 7gr di lievito, 1/2 cucchiaino di cannella in polvere, altrettanto zenzero, una grattata di noce moscata, zeste grattugiate di 1 limone, la polpa di 1/stecca di vaniglia, semini pestati di 2 bacche di cardamomo. Messo in frigo a 5°.

Mettiamo a macerare in acqua tiepida e rum le uvette, i canditi e le albicocche tagliate a cubetti.

Il mattino dopo prepariamo un preimpasto con il latte rimanente, altrettanta farina, 13gr di lievito ed il miele.
Lasciamo gonfiare, impastiamo il tutto inserendo gli ingredienti un po alla volta e lasciando il burro e i canditi alla fine (più gli stessi aromi del poolish, nelle medesime quantità), poi inseriamo la frutta secca (quella in macerazione la strizzeremo ed infarineremo leggermente).

Con la ciotola grande del ken ci si va giusti.

Raccogliamo a palla e dopo 40' mettiamo in frigo a 5 – 6°.

Il mattino successivo spostiamo l’impasto a temp. ambiente e lasciamo una mezza giornata o finchè non torni lavorabile, spezziamo in tre o più pezzi, preformiamo a sfera

e copriamo a campana. Trascorsi 20’ stringiamo ulteriormente la preforma.
Dopo 20' formiamo a filone stretto

dopo 15' diamo la forma definitiva, inserendo una barretta di marzapane (conviene seguire il procedimento di questo video )

Poniamo a lievitare al caldo fino ad un aumento di ca il 50% di volume.

Pennelliamo con latte ed inforniamo a 170° fino a cottura, ca. 45'.

Once out of the oven, brush with plenty of melted butter (also below), we pass the sugar and dusted with powdered sugar.

Let cool on a wire rack, wrap in aluminum foil and let cool for a few days to ripen.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Locks For Husky Truck Tool Box

nut stuffing with lemon almond

It is not easy to make a leavened, because of the presence of lemon pulp that if inserted in the wrong way can affect the mix, but it is a viable alternative for those unwilling to grapple with panettone or Pandora or simply would present a Christmas cake on the table but unusual, in my opinion, a great figure.
The presence of a very rich filling requires at least three or four days of ripening because the flavors are based, so it is also easy to prepare.
pesenza Because of cocoa butter and a significant aromatic component, it should be slightly warmed before eating and possibly served with a sauce flavored English.

Ingredients: 520gr flour

W 350 (alternatively Manitoba commercial)

160g whole milk 1 egg + 3 egg yolks
120gr zucchero
110gr burro fuso
50gr cioccolato bianco
1 limone
8gr lievito fresco
8gr sale
1 cucchiaino di miele
zeste grattugiate di 1 limone


100gr farina di mandorle
50gr zucchero di canna
50gr zucchero semolato
1 albume
35gr buccia di arancia candita, tritata finemente
50gr cioccolato bianco
zeste grattugiate di 1 limone
3 amaretti sbriciolati
2 cucchiai liquore amaretto
Poche gocce di estratto di mandorla o 4 mandorle amare
Mescoliamo a freddo tutti gli ingredienti, dovremo ottenere una crema spalmabile.


succo di ½ limone
4 amaretti polverizzati
2 tablespoons sugar.

Boil 100g of milk with the grated zest of lemon, let it cool.
bringing the liquid to 100g, 3g of levitated melt 50g of flour and blend. Let
in refrigerator at 5-6 °, in an airtight container.

Get out the poolish and give a stir.

draw the zest from the lemon, and tritiamola polverizziamola, with sugar, coffee grinders.
Eliminate the white pulp from the lemon taking bleed

discard the seeds and derive 35gr of pulp, mix with sugar prepared before.

Melt the butter over a gentle heat and, when warmed, we combine the grated chocolate and mix well.

Dissolve yeast and honey in the remaining 60g of warmed milk, mixed with an egg and 170g of flour, to stringing. We cover ourselves and to 28 °.

When it tripled (approx. 1 hour), pour into the bowl and poolish much flour as needed to string the dough, using the leaf.
We combine the egg yolks one at a time, followed by a dusting of flour. With the last egg insert salt.

With the mixture well in rope, wire join the lemon pulp, by allowing it to be dusted with flour, taking care not to lose the stringing.

wire also entered the emulsion of butter and chocolate and give a good stringing.

attach the hook and let go and veil. 1.5, occasionally flipping the dough until it is well presented semi-related.

Cover the bowl and we put at 28 ° until doubled (about 2 to 3 hours)

reversed the dough on a floured surface and, without work, stendiamolo with a rolling pin into a thick rectangle less of a finger.
Pieghiamolo in three ristendiamolo thinly into a rectangle with one side with ca. And the other 25cm long.

Spread the filling, taking care to leave 1cm free on the two short sides and a long brush the edge with egg white.

Starting from the right corner, wrap the dough in oblique

and when we have completed the winding, turning the sausage on itself, as if we wanted to wring a rag.

spiral wrap, rincazando his head inside.

Brush with egg white, cover with plastic and we put at 28 ° until doubled.

Brush again with egg white and bake at 180 degrees until cooked (approx 45 '), protecting aluminum, if it gets too dark.

Meanwhile prepare a spreadable icing, mix the three ingredients in cold and regulating the flow with the lemon juice.

Once cooked, we extract the cake from oven and generously with glaze and pennelliamolo rimettiamolo in the oven for 2 '.

oven and we set to cool on a wire rack, covered with a cloth.

strictly Serve warmed, possibly accompanied by a sauce flavored English and a raisin.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Under Arm Odor After Laser Hair Removal

the pizza pan with crusty ciabatta

More on that recipe, I want to focus on the conduct of the dough, the details of which leads to get a pizza in shallow roasting pan and crisp.

With the same recipe, but making the dough rise in pans (this Once anointed), you get a good pizza and soft top, prepared and cooked the same day.
done without greasing cooking pans, provides a sustained basis rather than crisp. If you prefer the more friable, the trays are as usual brush with olive oil.


3 trays for 30 x 35 900g flour

W 250 (or 0 for a pizza-absorbing) water

720gr 45gr 18gr
extra virgin olive oil salt
4.5 g fresh yeast
1 teaspoon barley malt (optional)
semolina for dusting

Early in the morning:
melt yeast and malt in 450gr of water, mix as much flour, cover and expect it to swell and create a central principle in the dimple (approx 3 hours at 20 °).

add the remaining water, letting it fall along the edges of the container, start the machine with the leaf at low speed and add with the rest of the flour, letting it fall to rain continuously. Mix the flour, add salt.

After 2 'gradually bring the speed to 1.5 and let string.

Coliamo oil flush, taking care not to lose the stringing.

attach the hook and kneaded until the veil, overturning the ground a couple times during operation.

Cover and let rise at room temperature.

around 16.00, we reverse the dough on a pastry board dusted with flour, divide the dough into three parts, each of these 3-fold only once and rolled moderately tightening. We transfer in as many containers with airtight lid, not floured.

be doubled to 28 °

When cooking, we reverse the dough on floured pastry board dusted with flour and also, pat with your fingertips and Roll out ironing them, carefully avoiding the escape of gas to rise. We load in the pan gently on the forearm and systemic non-greasy, sprinkle a thin layer of bran. We end the spread

seasoned with tomato and salt and bake at 250 ° at the bottom to 10 degrees.
distribute the mozzarella, a drizzle of olive oil and reinforniamo for the top 4 / 5 ', taking care not to burn the cheese.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

School Computer Getting To Solitaire

poolish and autolysis

Dell'autolisi lunga vi ho già detto in occasione delle baguette . Applicando la stessa tecnica alla ciabatta, questa volta con l'ausilio del poolish, si riesce ad ottenere una mollica molto areata e gustosa.

500gr farina W 300 (in alternativa, manitoba commerciale)
400/450gr acqua (a seconda della capacità di assorbimento della farina)
10gr sale
5g fresh yeast

prepare a poolish with 200g water, 200g of flour and 0.5 grams of yeast, cover and let us say 23 - 24 °.

Let dough 150g of flour with 100g of fresh water and mixed at low speed for 3 - 4 ', we cover.

Morning: We have
poolish in the bowl, the mass autolytic, remaining flour and 100g of water (or 50) where we have dissolved the yeast remaining. Prepare to veil. 1 with the leaf. After 3 'we increase the speed to 1.5, insert and let the salt string.

Once the dough is removed from the bowl, flush with water insert remaining intermittently, suspending the operation if you were to loosen too much.

attach the hook and let go and veil. 1.5, reversing the mass from time to time, until they present a very smooth and tied

Shut the mixer and cover with a cloth. After 20 'we do a few laps, until it wraps to the hook. We cover and after 20 'Repeat as we cover.

After approx. hour, when the dough has doubled, rovesciamolo on floured

break in two and wrap each piece loosely

cover with plastic or bell.

After 20 'let alone a 3-fold , we reverse the forms and let rest covered for 15'.

Flour well, pat it gently with your fingertips and stretch without forcing it.

After 15 'transferred onto a floured paddle

and bake at 250 degrees, up firestone (Or a heavy pan upside down) to 8 '. Reduce to 180 degrees and continue cooking for another 8 ', and 3 in the slot.

Let cool upright in the oven with the door a crack.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

How Long Is A Rotisserie Chicken Good For?

a long-felt thanks

I am really amazed, absolutely no idea that a simple outburst might well elicit a unanimous solidarity, to the point result in a initiative really nice.

The response of all of you I was relieved not only by the fact itself, but from having suffered elsewhere, critics and allusions that made me realize that even in this "world" there are those who will show you friend but then misses a chance to remarti against the first opportunity, even at the cost of defending the indefensible. It 's the thing, I tell you the truth, I was more than all left a bitter taste.

I'm glad that especially as reported by Lydia and myself had the occasion to express in a simple and calm, a malaise that can breathe a little on the food blog, due to those who copy text or photos others, without any restraint.

warmly thank those who contacted me in private and those who have joined the initiative.

Here is the list of those who have made la caprese cioccolato bianco e limone di Lydia , o la mia crostata. Gradieri mi venissero segnalate eventuali dimenticanze

Rosemarie & Thyme

Cuochi di carta


Trattoria Muvara

Fragole a merenda

Io da grande

Mollica di pane

Pan con l'olio

La cucina di Nonna Sole

Profumo di mamma

Al cibo commestibile

Lo scief sientifico
The cauldron of

The Gaia celiac

The Golosastra

Strawberry & lemon

Scent of books and cinnamon

Sweet and savory temptations

Last but not furno

world Luvi

Heart of bread

Mint and Chocolate Tasting


world Milla


and Spoons Pot

Heart Cream

Pies patapata


La Belle Auberge

... just as I am ...

The cuisine of social

Chicken: 2nd life

essence of cinnamon

Raffy and his bungling

Fiosoficamente Sustainable

How do I. ..

's Kitchen Albertone

Cinderella in the kitchen frying pans

fan noise

Magic Sobryy has fun in the kitchen

Romance of Dida


Tomato & Basil

Stella salt

I can do it ...

The building of cucinait

Nontutteleciambelle ...


Les madeleines of Proust

's Kitchen Viola

Alice in Wonderland kitchen

Briggis recept och ideer


The Lorenzo sumptuous

Le dolci delizie

Cioccolato e Cannella

Pentole e pasticci

Il bistrot di Lise

Al femminile forum


Una stella tra i fornelli

La mia cucina - Bucataria mea

I dolci di Laura

La cucina di campagna

Caty - la casa sull'albero

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What Kind Of Dye Does Jcpenney Use

icing sugar but .............. .......................

Torniamo a noi ...

worry, I will not teach you how to make icing sugar, recent events have made me get out of his mind;), but I want to share a little insight that can possibly come in handy.

You may have noticed that a dusting of icing sugar moist surface, such as fruit tarts, mousses, crepes, soft cake and so on., The snow melts rapidly losing that effect so captivating and at times it happens so fast that we did not even have time to serve dessert.
Yet in the windows of pastry icing sugar on cakes there, why does not melt?
It 'easy to say, it is sugar powdered water repellent, a product that I happened to hand and I read the ingredients, reserved for professionals and hard to get out of their distribution channels ............. ......... .... but if we have an electric grinder, the kind usually supplied with the mixer (or a similar device), and certainly we've used to make us a thin layer of sugar 'emergency, perhaps the ability to self-produce a similar product we have.

Ingredients: 7 gr

50g caster sugar (about 2 squares) white chocolate of good quality
1.5 grams (about 1 teaspoon coffee) cornstarch

white chocolate chopped with a knife rather fine

mixed thoroughly three ingedienti, transfer everything in the grinder and we start at full speed, to reduce the powdered sugar, shaking from time to time the apparecchietto. Les jeux sont

fait, we do not have to do is transfer it in an airtight jar or in a castor, adding a few remaining vanilla bean.
downsides? Clearly will have a slight taste of white chocolate, but usually does not hurt any vanilla and covers it in good part.

a comparative test:
on a well-soaked sponge on the right I put the icing sugar and left the normal Treaty, although this was greater in quantity has begun to melt instantly.

after 3 minutes

after 5 minutes

7 minutes after the sugar is completely dissolved and normal after two hours the other looks like this

The day after the Treaty was dampened but not dissolved