Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How Much Dose The Jon Cryer Make

small opening onto the orange cream and lemon almond Cansado

We come to the last prescription before the summer holidays.

E 'marked by the opening onto a brioche aromas of orange, very soft but not easy to perform thanks to the particular process.

The combination with the cardamom and hazelnut chantilly, I know it is pleasing to those who love the strong contrasts.

nice summer everyone!

Ingredients: 40g flour
480 + W300 (alternatively manitoba commercial)

160g orange juice 140g butter 100g milk

90gr sugar 40g chopped white chocolate 2 eggs + 2 yolks

8g fresh yeast
salt One tablespoon orange liqueur
A teaspoon + 1 tablespoon of honey
Cucchini coffee spoon of baking soda zest of 4 oranges

Boil the orange juice with 20g of sugar and grated rind of two oranges. Mix an egg and a
yolk with 50g sugar and 40g flour. We combine the two compounds, we report on low heat and let thicken, stirring with a whisk. The fire must be extinguished as soon as it begins to thicken and stop the cooking by immersing the pan in cold water.
We combine baking soda and white chocolate. Cool rapidly in a cold water bath, stirring frequently.

Dissolve 30g of butter with the zest of the other 2 oranges, stop firing the first sizzle and cool.

Dissolve yeast and a teaspoon of honey, milk just warmed, mixed 90gr flour, cover and allow to swell.

We combine an egg and some flour and we start the bush with the leaf, vel. 1.

When the mass has taken the body, inserting the cream gradually, alternating with a dusting of flour and healing incorporating nerve before subsequent entries. Sold

cream, insert the egg yolk with sugar and salt, followed by a handful of flour, and finally the honey. Increase the speed and let string, reversing from time to time the mass in the bowl.

We put the butter just soft, three times, and mix well with the rope, butter flavored wire.

attach the hook and kneaded at high speed (1.5 - 2), until the mass is detached from the bowl with the decision. Add the liqueur and make wire andare fino ad ottenere il velo, facendo attenzione a non scaldare l’impasto.

Trasferiamo il tutto in un contenitore ermetico e, dopo 15’, mettiamo in frigo a 4°, per ca. 12 ore.

Tiriamo fuori il contenitore e lasciamolo un paio d’ore a temperatura ambiente.

Rovesciamo l’impasto sul piano di lavoro leggermente infarinato, spezziamolo in due parti uguali e diamo ad ognuna due giri di pieghe di tipo 2 , evitando accuratamente di serrare il primo giro .

Mettiamo i due impasti in forza (mi raccomando con chi ha partecipato ai corsi, vi controllo ;) ) e copriamo bell.

After 15 ', we form a tight ball and the first break in portions of 80 - 100g each other.

rounds this last, polish the whole egg white and cover with a bell or filmed.

After a further 15 ', slightly flatten the balls and let rise until doubled at 26 °.

brushed again with egg white (if you want a colored blonde, mescoliamolo with a little milk), sprinkle with granulated sugar

the portions and bake at 180 degrees for approx. 15 'and the other at 160 degrees for approx. 40 ', absolutely no circumstances open the oven before the end of this time .

Let the test with the stick and let cool on a wire rack.

stuffed with a mousseline cream or a whipped orange.

Alternatively, those who appreciate the combination of flavor, you can try the cream Cansado.

E 'cream created in collaboration with Marco (Cansado on Coquinaria), an expert on spices (and more) to which I asked if the cardamom goes well with the almonds.

"hazelnuts" he said, and, as usual, was right;)

Ingredients: 400g whole milk

250g fresh cream 120g sugar 100g hazelnut paste

4 egg yolks 1 teaspoon crushed cardamom seeds or ground

30g flour 25g cornstarch Pinch of salt

Boil the milk with 100g of cream, 30g sugar and cardamom. Let cool.
Mix the egg yolks with remaining sugar, salt and dust (except perhaps a couple of tablespoons of milk).
We report on low heat and cook for 3 'dall'ebollizione, stirring with a whisk.
Let cool and join the hazelnut paste.
A cold cream, mix gently the remaining cream, mounted ferma.

La pasta di nocciole può essere ottenuta frullando (possibilmente con il macinacaffè), 100gr di nocciole leggermente tostate con poco zucchero, fino a ridurle in farina. Si aggiunge qualche goccia di olio di arachide e si frulla fino ad ottenere una crema liscia.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Letter Of Request To Disconnect Service

Si ricorda chela S. Messa del primo sabato è nella Cappella Cesi (prima a sx) della Basilica di S.Maria Maggiore in Roma. Riprende in settembre.

Prossimi appuntamenti:
 6 agosto - ore 17.00

Mass at the birthplace of the IV route in cantons now the PIME
info: Mark 3477721328

Josephine Berettoni
(click )

September 4 - 16:00

Cesi Chapel
the Papal Basilica of

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Action Replay Shiny Pokemon In Party Diamond

Where we ended up ...

Several times I log on, open the browser, use the username and password from the blog ... and once in front of the blank page I passed the inspiration and the desire to write about what had become the icon of the group. My last post has been almost a year, during which time they have happened ... good and bad things! But that's life, are the steps required, to which we can not escape.
In the background there is music of Eros Ramazzotti ... fantastic ...!
might be able to go out running tonight, but the time for shit that is accompanying us for some time now, I again put a spoke in the wheels. What's around it after the work is a kind of safety valve, a ritual that helps me to decompress after a day of pain in the ass different. This evening was scheduled for a beer with colleagues but alas nulla da fare...sembrava che il cielo dovesse venire giù! Poi nulla di fatto...GRRRR!!! TEMPO DI CACCA!!!
Ora vado a prepararmi la cena, prometto che tornerò mooolto presto per postare le novità, e magari aggiungere delle foto.
A preestoooo!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Buid A Dune Buy At Home

Breviary The Constitutional

Esperimento di transfer politico : assumere per un breve lasso di tempo il punto di vista di una persona che desume la propria visione del mondo unicamente dalla lettura de "Il Giornale" e\o dalla visione del TG1 (dove TG sta per Ti Giuro, espressione che Minzolini usa per convincere la propria redazione che le cose stanno come dice lui, cioè Lui, cioè Berlusconi).

Dato che sono contrario alla sperimentazione su cavie umane e non ho Renzo Bossi sotto mano, procederrò all'esperimento su me stesso.

Risultato: ho rapidamente acquisito la convinzione che l'intera economia mondiale sia bloccata dall'articolo 41 della costituzione Italian. The notorious article contains a series of unspeakable obscure and archaic constraints and obligations that have prevented all the West to develop a free economy, forcing the heroic martyrs of the brave deeds of unheard-of liberal capitalism in order to take advantage of a poor business guided by humanitarian exclusively to the welfare of the masses.
Saving the planet, perhaps even the universe, is in the immediate amendment of that sprawling block. Article 41 must be changed. Now. Or will all die.

the Italian Constitution
Article 41
Private economic initiative is free.
There shall not be contrary to public benefit or to harm the safety, freedom, human dignity.
The law shall provide appropriate programs and controls for public and private economic activity may be directed and coordinated towards social ends.

Sudden, abrupt and icy puts forward the possibility: that someone is trying to trick us?

Snowmobile Trailer Salt Shield

Dura, life!

A bottle of water on the bedside table in the back of the room. Insert a CD into the stereo. The T-shirt on the chair. Sounds easy, right?

Staying at home with a broken leg is certainly not the most original experiences a number of people in the history of mankind there is no past that every time he spoke the news. Well, before he came to Minzolini TG1 least.

As I got to write before, a small step for mankind.
But a huge step for man, for the individual. For me, in fact.

's all very difficult. In a way that you can imagine. That is, you can imagine, but it's worse. The most stupid gesture becomes a huge complexity. The inability to carry anything with your hands, occupied by the crutches, is not only a limit, is something that opens up new unexplored horizons of limitation.

the recipe you add a two-storey house, the room below, over the kitchen: I do not go to the kitchen, I go out to make provisions. And I expect to be supplied with everything needed for a few hours of survival. Moral: I lost 4 kg. Healthy, I had to lose weight, now weighing 59kg sin. About 1 meter and 73.

the physical impairment is added then the moral 32, forced to go back to my. Inability to share a few subspecies of life with the girlfriend, mandatory to share a subspecies of living with her parents for years after I got used to being the only undisputed ruler of my chaos.

Resist, resist, resist. I knew at least!

Friday, June 11, 2010

My Victoria Secret Bra Is Leaking

Care IV - Back Home

I've already been at other times of feeling like the classic elephant in a china shop. This time is different. This time I feel like a crystal in a elefanteria.

Chapter I - Ambulation with crutches in partial load. Translation: I can walk with crutches fully support the plan of the broken leg on the ground but with no load the weight of the body. Maximum 10kg, almost the weight of the leg. Stuff out of balance.
's all very difficult, but the palm of the difficulty is at the opening and closing doors, a task that involves the following steps:
  1. approaching the door to be able to insert the key and open
  2. to bounce back away and start to throw it open
  3. always jumps away very quickly to avoid being overwhelmed by the door that is opening up beyond
  4. the door, stopping just beyond the door and turn
  5. danced with style Dying Swan Nurayev to lean in order to recover and start closing the door
  6. quick hop back to avoid fractures by maxillofacial spatasciamento against the door Closing
  7. back to the door and close it.
This operation is repeated four volte (2 portoni più apertura e chiusura dell'ascensore) ad ogni trasferimento dalla camera da letto alla cucina poiché casa dei miei, dove mi trovo per ovvi motivi di scarsa indipendenza fisica, è su due piani, collegati da scala a chiocciola assimilabile a parete rocciosa. L'unica alternativa è passare da fuori.

Capitolo II - Le ultime parole famose. 
Vedrete che le calze antitrombo  e le punture le dovrò sospendere non appena non sarò più sempre a letto. Al massimo dovrò continuare a farle per una settimana.
40gg. Quaranta giorni. Devo andare avanti a fare punture e a vestirmi from hooker to forty (fucking) day. Diodellecittààààààààààà (... and dell'immensitààààààààà).

Chapter III - Small steps for mankind, big step for Sac
three days of strenuous resistance. The threat of horror bulb. Abhorrence of the pan (sitting on his stool is not pleasant). Back
concerning the white throne to sit on this basis that he did absolutely the most beautiful, glorious, liberating evacuation of my life. Yes, just slap a piece of shit.
I swear, I had not done it I would come up even dragging on the floor with the power of language.