Thursday, January 27, 2011

Porcelain Figurine Repair

Unveiling the mystery!

In very difficult times that luminary of Italian literature by the name of Paolo Rossi and did not play the championship by 82, giving voice to an urgent question for many of us teenagers onanists desperate, asked:

If it is true that in the world for every man there are 7 women,
who is the bastard has 14?

Here, I would say that now we know ...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How To Mastervate (women) Vids

forgive Lenin! Next

Oggi la vera rivoluzione è Cuore di Brodo Knorr .

Penso che quasta frase dica molto di più del perché, percome e perquando stia succedendo in Italia tutto quello che sta succedendo di quanto fanno tonnellate di analisi socio-giornalistiche.

In tempi e terre più dure, ma più sincere, per una frase del genere si andava a tenere compagnia ai licheni in Siberia. E viene il dubbio che fosse una reazione piuttosto ragionevole.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Beautiful Agony Faces


Then you're all ready for this adventure that will last a whole year? Camera ready? Sharp cutters? Tacquino for journaling?

So here is the first sketch, the one in January.


There are really a lot of photos to be precise 12 photos, there will be less frightened, you know the sketch to be interpreted Smile

On the sketch are also reported measurements of the photos are no conventional measures, of course everyone is free to zoom in or out. I find it very useful file for Photo Shop, you will find that this sketch here, I use to get an idea of \u200b\u200bcutting the picture and use it for print. Are available to clarification.

And here is my interpretation of the sketch, are photos of the month of January 2009.

and interpretation of Lisse, who played the layout making single:


Finally here is that Katie also did a beautiful layout digital


to participate challenge you to post your layout by 20 February 2011, wanted to emphasize that there is no need to have a blog, you can also post photos in public galleries.

UPDATE: we have created an email address where you can send your work if I do not want to load up a gallery and / or if you have a blog. the address is unloalmese (at) gmail (dot) com

We wait.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Four Wheelers On Birthday Cake

Care Italian scrapper a new blog for a new initiative!
The web is studded with 12 layout projects, so we thought we launch Italian.
The idea came to my mind reading this blog American .

proceed as follows, a sketch will be released every 15 months, you have until the 15th of next month to send us your interpretations. The idea is that the layout of photos of the happy past month. My interpretation is made with pictures of the year 2009, but only because they are slow to act.
The sketch will be double, but you are free to interpret it as a single layout and size is free, and are also permitted digital layout. For every sketch we will provide a template format. Psd, you can use to send to print your photos or create digital pages.
We will choose a winning design that will be our guest for the next sketch.

guess at this point the question is legitimate: Who are we?

I give the floor to Lara SCC Team:

“Un nuovo progetto indirizzato a tutte le scrapper italiane! Questo blog nasce dalla condivisione del progetto "un layout al mese per 12 mesi" tra le due associazioni storiche di scrapbooking presenti in Italia: ASI e SCC ed io, personalmente, ne sono molto felice.
Ora, ScrapbookingClubCafè non è piu' una associazione in senso stretto ma si è 'naturalmente evoluta' in un unico luogo virtuale per amiche appassionate di scrap dove vengono proposte ispirazioni varie e si condividono 'pezzetti' di vita. Vorremmo che questo blog fosse seguito e frequentato da tutta la comunita' scrap italiana, che le pagine vengano realizzate da tutte: chi è iscritta qui, chi lo era la' e chi non lo è mai stata and we do not know.
Good luck to all, Lara

and Lisse - President ASI

" The scrapbooking is sharing, right? So why not share them all a path scrapbooking?
will be nice to work together, but as far as I'm concerned, it will be a way of scrapbooking and more. Let us take our inspiration from, and year-end you will have an album with all the significant moments of 2011. Let
groped ... and scrapbooking!
Lisse "

If you like you can do advertising by placing our banner on your blog that was created for us by our friend Katie .


Per il solo mese di gennaio lo sketch uscirà il 20 gennaio e avrete tempo fino al 20 febbraio.
Vi aspettiamo numerosissime.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Patterns For Christening Outfits

so, let the evil HAL

Chiamparino (Partito democratico): " Da Bersani mi aspettavo parole più nette e certe a sostegno del sì al referendum di Mirafiori perché se vince il sì restano aperte tutte le possibilità di investimento, se invece vince il no temo una sorta di limbo. C'è stato poco coraggio a dire sì."

Gentiloni  (Partito Democratico) "Chiediamo più chiarezza su Mirafiori che secondo noi è un accordo positivo."

Sì, in effetti ci vuole parecchio coraggio a definire positivo un ricatto di quelle proporzioni, così come in effetti penso che solo una persona dotata di molto courage is willing to be come across a truck in the ass.

The doubt arises because more courage that needs a good dose of insanity.

PS: It is interesting to note that Chiamparino apply a new model of bargaining that I wonder why no one had ever drawn before, the operation of which may be defined as "let us begin to put in the ass dry, then we see maybe if we can lubricate a bit '. Maybe with blood. "

Bumps Behind Lower Teeth


Computers new. They turn and work.
normal computers. Them up, load, and works.
old computers. Them up, load, heat up, and works.

The computer in my office. Switch it on, charging, heat, stretching ago, does the exercises, cool down, stretching, showering, dry your hair (I think it's a woman), a chat, and you pass the desire to work.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Certificate Of Rent Paid 2010 Form

16 gennaio 2011

54 MO
of the Dies Natalis

church Cemetery of Verano
in Rome

11.15 am - following a visit to the tomb

(accedere dall'ingresso principale)