Thursday, December 23, 2010

Causes For Low Ferratin, B12 And Vit D

sweet panettone Gourmet

long absence, I know ... but let's get back to us;)

It 's a recipe that runs the network for a while', but many are asking me to publish it.

Maybe late, but preparation is simple and fairly quick, even fattibilissima kneading by hand and is useful for the holiday.

Ingredients: 850gr flour
W 280 (or 200 gr and 650gr Manitoba flour for bread or pizza 11% min. protein)
330gr butter 120gr

whole milk 60g sugar 2 eggs + 2 yolks

18 g fresh yeast
12gr salt 1 teaspoon barley malt

Evening: 12gr
Dissolve yeast in milk 300gr, 150gr join flour, seal it and we put in refrigerator at 5-6 °.

After 12 hours, we transfer the container to temp. Environment, dissolve the yeast and malt in the remaining 30g of lukewarm milk and mix with a tablespoon of flour. Doubling, (approx. 30 '), we combine the two Preimpastato, 2 eggs and much flour as sufficient to compact the mass, with the hook at low speed (remember how to position the hook?).
We combine 1 egg with half the sugar, followed shortly by a dusting of flour and absorption, the second egg yolk with all the sugar and salt. Let
bind the mixture, then slowly insert just the soft butter into small pieces.

Knead at medium speed, reversing from time to time the mass in the bowl, until the mixture looks quite smooth. We test the veil.

We round the earth and leave to double to 28 °.

reversed the dough on work surface with a light dusting of flour, stendiamolo a rectangle with a rolling pin and give a single 3-fold. ristendiamo a rectangle and wrap it tight for the long side.

split into two equal parts, each put up with the closure and wrap your thumbs do not overtighten.
winding ball with a lock media

panettone molds and transferred to 750 grams, if you have trouble finding them you can easily them to you.

brush the surface with a little egg white, sealed and transferred to 28 ° until the dough does not reach two fingers from the edge.

Brush again with egg white and bake at 170 degrees until completely cooked (approx 45 '- test stick)

the oven, pierce the base with two knitting needles and say to cool upside down.

The next day, we put in the fridge for half an hour, cut into slices about 1cm. thick, stuffed as we prefer, cover with another disc and cut into triangles.
rebuild the cake, taking care of staggered triangles, how to build a wall.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Magnum Vs Standard Condom


combining the greedy trend of today's nepotism ruling class with their equally ravenous sexual hunger met by hired professionals, I think we can easily conclude that if any continued occupation of power by them, the next generation Administrators will probably be made up of sons of bitches.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Moms Hairbrush Stories

For consistency

At the funeral of the seven cyclists killed by one of the many small balls with the cock and powerful cars that run on our roads will not be attended by representatives of that part of the company that owned the sucker Lamezia above.

And this is not because that part of society has somehow taken the defenses that his degenerate son, justified, as happens for example in the case of the Roman boy responsible for the death of a woman in a station Rome, whose arrest was opposed to the tones even violent people in the neighborhood dove viveva il ragazzo.

No, accade perché le forze dell'ordine di questo civile paese (intendo l'Italia), invece di operare per garantire a tutti il diritto a compatire, a sentire insieme il dolore di una comunità, hanno sconsigliato ad una parte della società di partecipare alle esequie per evitare tensioni. Tensioni razziali. Perché quella parte della società a cui apparteneva il coglione in questione è la comunità marocchina. Perché quella comunità, nella veglia di preghiera per le vittime, ha pregato Allah e non Dio. Cruciale differenza direi.

Per coerenza da oggi si disporrà che alle esequie di chi è malauguratamente incorso in una fine violenta sia sconsigliata la partecipazione any person related to ethnicity, religion, gender or geographical origin of what the person in charge: just boys at the funeral of women murdered by husbands or lovers, nothing baptized at the funeral of victims of mafia declared the Catholic faith, and charity no Italian is present at the funeral of the dead hand of some Italian.

And we will feel closer together and united in our grief.