Thursday, April 15, 2010

Can This Day Get Any Worse Quotes

baguette dough

E' un metodo di origine francese, basato sull'impastamento di breve durata e sull'immissione anticipata del sale. Lo scopo è di limitare l'ossidazione dei pigmenti carotenoidi, inibendo parzialmente l'attività della lipossigenasi e di conseguenza preservare colore e sapore. Viene data struttura all'impasto con una sequenza di pieghe e riposi.
L'incompleto sviluppo del glutine, fa si che l'impasto possa essere gestito facilmente, anche senza l'ausilio di impastatrici.

Ingredients: 200g flour

W 300 (alternatively, Manitoba Trade) 300g flour
0 W 250 (or a bread flour with high absorption)

350g water 10g salt
5g fresh yeast 1 teaspoon malt

Evening: poolish the first flour, 200g water, 0.5 g yeast. 12 hours at 23 °

Impastiamo120gr of water with much flour as needed to make a soft dough. Cover and let stand 40 '.

poolish We combine the remaining water in which we have dissolved the yeast and malt, and we start the machine, with the leaf at low speed.
When the ingredients are blended, we insert the salt and a little later the remaining flour. Continue at low speed until the first signs of bowing.

attach the hook and kneaded at low speed until the dough comes away from the bowl, but it will still not perfectly smooth.

Copiriamo and let stand for an hour. Resume

the dough on floured surface adagiamolo allarghiamolo as possible, giving a square shape, and give a round of type 1 folds, trying to incorporate air. We cover
bell and let rest 45 '.

repeat the operation, expanding the mixture gently easing (will sell less). Rest 45 '

Again, the fold, after 20' break the dough into three parts and give a rounded form, loosely. We cover.

After another 20 ', turn upside down the ball, flatten it gently, so as far as possible outgassing, and wrap a baguette, as shown in pictures.

gently stretched strands, sistemiamoli by closing up, like a fan, in a floured cloth thoroughly.

Cover with cloth and then with plastic wrap. Let rise to 28 degrees for thirty minutes.
down the loaves on a floured paddle, we work the cuts

and bake at 250 degrees on a baking sheet upside down (previously set in the oven) or steam.

After 8 ', we remove the water, reduce to 200 degrees and cook with the door crevice (ca. 15 ').

oven and let cool in a vertical, up against each other.

The process can be sped up, making a poolish the morning with all the yeast and malt, leaving the same procedure, but putting an extra teaspoon of malt even refreshments. In this case, we will use only flour W 250.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

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Santa Pasqua


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Pellegrina alla Santa Casa di Loreto

January issue of "The Message of the Holy House" was published an article by P. Marcello Montanari, two-page, illustrated, for the heading "Any holiness goes to Loreto. We remember the visit of the Servant of God Berettoni Joseph, a pilgrim to the Shrine in Loreto 1901.
Giuseppina già entrata fra le Missionarie del S. Cuore di Madre Teresa Cabrini, nel 1898 era stata inviata a Buenos Aires in Argentina. Al suo rientro in Italia, Suor Ignazia - questo il nome preso come religiosa da Giuseppina - è trasferita a Milano dove si evidenziano difficoltà d'integrazione con le consorelle tant'è che si arrivò, su diretto interessamento dell’Arcivescovo di quella città, alla fuoriuscita di Giuseppina dall'Istituto. Ciò avvenne non senza aver trattato la situazione con mons. Radini Tedeschi, suo padre spirituale che la rassicura sul da farsi. Già figura di spicco della diplomazia Vaticana, mons. Giacomo Maria Radini Tedeschi divenuto poi vescovo di Bergamo chiamò a sé Secretary Angelo Roncalli as a young man rising to the throne of Peter with the name John XXIII.
thus leaving Milan and before his return to Rome, Giuseppina stops for five months Morrovalle, birthplace of his father, as a guest of his uncle Alexander Berrettoni. The Servant of God took advantage of being in the Marche to make a pilgrimage to the Holy House of Loreto. Visit then recounts a beautiful letter now become the heart of the article that we publish below.
Marco V. Stocchi

the online magazine

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Vegliare con Gesù come Giuseppe e Maria

Message from Santa Casa - January 2009

Born in Rome in 1875, Josephine Berrettoni from an early age consecrated himself to God as a lay: in nine years he entered the Daughters of Mary and took a vow of virginity. Drawn by the love of God and the life of St. Francis of Assisi, he decided to stay out of the world as a Franciscan tertiary to be a witness of hope with a holy life and an intense apostolic activity. "All my strength, all my life I want to spend make Jesus known among the Christian people. " The lay apostolate was the feature of his life. The exercised in every form and in any field: between consecrated persons and the most hardened sinners, among the ignorant and the educated, in private and in parishes, particularly as a catechist. Wherever you went flourishes faith, marriage is stabilized, will be established and Catholic religious organizations.
We read in his writings: "From our eyes, from our posture should read our profession of Christian, anyone who brings us must feel good to stretch, and we must leave behind us the scent of Jesus Christ, we women, better than the men themselves, then we are apostles. " Profuse the ardor of his good works in South America, in Liguria, Marche, but especially in Rome that he saw during the epidemic of 'English', a tireless angel of goodness. On August 3, 1907 wrote: "Only those who love God may be able to love our neighbor, the largest amateur men were, in fact, the Saints. Love for God and neighbor in the Christian conception, is the same thing. "
was also a great mystic. Knew how to capture the voice of God for all the streets and knew of his apostolate to transmit to others the wave of love che invadeva il suo cuore.  

Preziosa testimonianza 
sulla Santa Casa di Loreto

Di notevole bellezza le sue testimonianze sulla Santa Casa di Loreto, santuario che amava particolarmente e conosceva benissimo, in quanto il padre era di origine marchigiana (di Morrovalle, cittadina vicina a Loreto). Così scriveva da Loreto ad alcune sue amiche in una lettera del 6 settembre 1901, trasmessaci per intero da Rosita Rossi che sta adoperandosi per promuovere la sua causa di beatificazione ongoing:

"My dearest in Christ, oh no, I could not ridirvi the joy this morning in the Holy House of Loreto. In looking at these walls blessed; the kiss and my heart ribaciarle struggevasi love! Oh yes, I will ingenuously confess my weakness, this morning I cried, I cried like a baby. But my tears were of gratitude, were of love. And how not to cry so much before a monument of Divine Goodness? We found that the Holy House of Loreto is converted or improved part, never indifferent.
Inside those walls, sanctified by the presence of more pure among women, and the Holy of Holies, God-man, breathes an air of heaven that shines and strengthens the mind and heart. Here all is peace and peace and sweet talk the walls blackened by time, the window through which every morning the sun bore a grateful farewell to his Creator, for love of man become a child, and the Virgin Mother who was intent to 'work used. Of peace and sweetness still speaks the blackened hearth, where the Queen of Angels, the Mother of God, she who was the nobility of lineage and physical and moral qualities, surpassed all others, did not disdain to cook dishes that serve the poor were for food, often scarce, the Divine and her infant dell'intemerato mate Joseph. Oh yes, the house of Loreto also his old and venerable figure is present. It could not be otherwise, since the house was the true throne of St. Joseph.

How easy is it in there to represent the inner life of Jesus! But how easy to picture his childhood and adolescence, it is equally difficult, if not impossible, to imagine separated from His Immaculate Mother and His foster father. Whether you want to remember it again doll, is made larger, and Mary and Joseph, and from both fondled, held, taught. They knew them well to have an immeasurable treasure and guarded it jealously: even at night, I suppose, would last their supervision em'è dear imagine that Mary and Joseph tenderly contend the grateful office. And we fought onward moved to get to watch with Jesus?
To keep watch with Jesus, I do not mean to spend nights at his feet, this will not advise you never to do, it is not so much from your health, but has a mystical meaning this time the word watch. We keep watch over our evil inclinations, our feelings, constantly, even at night? That is when the devil wants us to understand you are asleep? And contend with him when wants to assume the office of keeper of our hearts? Or do we leave?
resist, for heaven's sake, otherwise the treasure is lost!
Mary and Joseph were the Author of grace to keep us His grace and holy ... affinity that mission, but that difference in action! Mary and Joseph were confirmed in grace (so devoutly believed even the chaste husband of Mary) and as such it is superior to any other mortal could legitimately hope that Jesus, purity and holiness in essence, never would leave them personally, but fearing that this could happen to their negligence in the divine service, were intent and always vigilant around their sacred deposit.
We, on the contrary, while acknowledging the many serious sins, and the facilities we have to commit such senseless sleep safe or we protect ourselves from the attacks of hell ... what and why? Why not meditate! And do not meditate, do not think that is the purpose for which God placed us in this world, because we neglect to use those means necessary even to achieve it.
We live, yes, but more life that can be called our vegetation, since we no progress in virtue, yet the spiritual life does not count by years but by the holy life in an area of tempo si sono compiute, tanto, e così anche morendo a trent’anni saremo o potremo essere decrepite… per il Paradiso! Questi e mille altri sentimenti e propositi suscitò in me la visita alla Santa Casa. Gesù sia con voi e coll’abbondanza delle Sue grazie e delle Sue benedizioni. Nel Cuore Divino sarò sempre
Vostra Giuseppina”.

Da questa sua lettera possiamo comprendere l’anima mistica e ardente di Giuseppina che amava tuffarsi nell’atmosfera sacra della Casa di Maria rimanendone inebriata dalle profonde emozioni e dalle dolcissime lacrime. Nel periodo del suo apostolato nelle Marche visitava spesso la Santa Casa. Ai piedi di Maria had hardened his spirit and heroic virtue and apostolate at Mary's feet gently, almost smiling Dende, he fell asleep at Mama Celeste delivering the holy heavenly desires and aspirations interrupted only by his sister died January 17, 1927.

P. Marcello Montanari, OFM chaps.