Monday, March 29, 2010

Black And Ivory Wedding Fabrics

by the dove of sourdough bread rosemary Teresio Leoncini

time ago, I received an unexpected phone call, a gentleman had happened on my blog and well thought out seek my number on the lists.

From the pleasant conversation, it was found that at some point in his life he had to leave the job he loved so much to devote to something else, but continued to cultivate his passion, testing and developing recipes for pastries.

Since then it has created a pleasant exchange of letters recently and asked me if I might like to see her recipe for Easter dove.

In reading it, I immediately realized that it could be a paper of great value. I asked him if he had pictures, and I did well: the images showed one of the most beautiful pigeons I have ever seen, with a development and a bobbin by hand. The balance of ingredients, the care and technique used all'aromatizzazione then leave portends an excellent flavor.

So I timidly asked if he had problems with sharing, this is an excerpt of his response

"It gives me pleasure to share recipes and experiences gained through years of working with people who share my love, the yeast and then gives the unique feelings and emotions, sometimes whimsical, you never know what surprise awaits us, sometimes excellent results, sometimes bitter disappointments. "

Here's the recipe


After many trials lasted several years during which there have been disappointments and setbacks, I selected two recipes, and No 1 is more "fat", contains a higher dose of butter, egg yolks, sugar. The No 2 is a little less caloric.


yeast from three receptions in the proportions 1: 1 1: 1.5 1: 1.5 for a time thrust h. 3, 45 including refreshments and other things, a mixing time of 15 'and a cell temperature of 28 ° / 30 °

(depends on the accuracy of the thermostat 28 ° would be ideal) mixing speed low.

Consistency of hard water ratio: 0.45 flour: 1

(then must be adjusted according to the flour that you have available)

1, 7 hour refresh gr.250 yeast (obtained from daily refreshment of the mother)
refreshments at 11 2 ° gr.250 gr.370 yeast + flour + water = 180 gr gr tot. 800 3 rd party
15 hours gr.1200 mass 800 g. flour + yeast + water = tot gr.540 gr.2540


FLOUR 6.4 Kg "
1.550 Kg anhydrous butter"
SUGAR Kg 1.800 "1.600 Kg
MILK Lt. 2 --- 0.600 Kg Kg.2
600 Gr 64 "

------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------

I used un'impastatrice planetary spiral hook and a low gear.
It is important that the ingredients have the same temperature
Malt (malted wheat flour it) is added in proportion of '1% of the flour.
I used anhydrous butter, if using regular butter, one must take into account that contains about 15% water, and then increase by 15% the amount of butter and reduce by 15% the amount of water, or "clarify" the normal butter, making it melt in a water bath, then cooled and solidified once you remove the buttermilk is deposited on the bottom and remained liquid, this is an old system that was commonly used up to 60 years.
I softened the butter in the oven at 30 degrees and I paid ¾ 800Gr.di dough by adding yeast and flour, I mixed for 10 minutes then I added the remaining butter and remaining flour, in the meantime I made an emulsion with sugar, egg yolks, milk, water, and I added to the mixture gradually, by developing the rope after each addition.
It 's very important not to over work the dough the night, and do not attempt to become lucid pasta, you risk compromising the leavening.
Pot life 30 minutes, temperature of the final 30 / 31 °
Put the dough in a plastic container high enough and take into account that the initial volume of the dough, wrapped triples and quadruples, cover with a towel and put in a cell 26 / 28 without moisture, if everything proceeds normally after 12 / 13 hours is ready for the second mixture.

Kg 3 "
anhydrous butter kg 2.600 kg 2.200 kg 2.200 kg 1.750
YOLKS Kg 2.400 Kg 2
HONEY Gr 250 "
MILK POWDER INT. 100 Gr 300 Gr
ACQUA Gr. 550 Kg. 1,400
BURRO DI CACAO Gr. 200 Gr. 213
SALE Gr. 65 Gr. 60
MALTO Gr. 30 "

Aromi q.b. (bisogna vedere la concentrazione) oppure bacca di vaniglia incisa messa in infusione in alcol a 90° per alcuni giorni Utilizzando poi l'alcol,oppure un pò di bacca di vaniglia macinata con zucchero, oppure se i canditi sono profumati non necessita nessun aroma.

Arancia cubetti 9 x 9 kg. 4,500 (mescolare i canditi intiepiditi nel forno a 28° con gr.350 di burro fuso).

Oppure gocce di cioccolato fondente nella percentuale del 10/12%, cioè 100/120 gr. per 1 kg. di impasto.

N.B. - se si utilizzano le gocce, conviene not put the cocoa butter, Essendon because a component basis, during the mix, they tend to melt and the mixture takes on a strange color unpleasant to look at.

Although sometimes it's risky, I have never added yeast, used as security in the 2nd starter dough. Especially in very rich mixtures, however, it is better to use it, you only need 2 oz.
(Personal note: The only one I've seen suggest the use of yeast dough in just seconds, something very important to allow the colonization of yeast in the first)

Put the dough Evening dough a braccia tuffanti ,poi aggiungere la farina,il malto,lo zucchero e il miele e lavorare per 10 minuti,intanto a parte sciogliere il latte in polvere nell'acqua fredda.trascorsi i 10 minuti aggiungere pochissima acqua e fare prendere corda,aggiungendo poi i tuorli in 5 riprese attendendo ogni volta che vengano ben incorporati e che l'impasto prenda corda.a questo punto ,aggiungere poco per volta il burro a pomata e l'acqua,alternativamente,sciogliere il sale nell'ultima porzione di burro, e aggiungere.subito dopo ,mettere gli aromi e continuare a impastare;a lavorazione quasi finita ,aggiungere il burro di cacao grattuggiato e dopo 5 minuti ,i canditi, passati al forno con il burro e terminare l'impasto appena questi ultimi sono stati incorporati e ben distributed.
Let the mixture stand for 10 minutes, then divide into desired weights, taking into account to calculate the addition of the icing and the cooking loss, in my experience: 950 Gr
Colombo 1Kg. For Gr 700 Gr 450 Gr 750 COLOMBO Colombo 500gr.

loosely rolled and then aim for 30 minutes in hot chamber at 30 degrees with no humidity to make the "skin" then bring in a cool and let stand 10 / 15 minutes, then divide into 2 pieces and roll the wings (more piece small), deposit it into the mold and put over the body. Make up in his cell at 30 degrees with humidity, and if all goes regularly should be ready in 4 / 5 hours. Remove from

cell and keep it at room temperature for about 1 hour before cooking, in the meantime, cover with icing (to make it hang well should drill small holes, immediately before the roll) and put the grain only when baking, to prevent give two damp and sprinkled with powdered sugar wait a few minutes between one and another.

Bake at 185 degrees for 1 hour for the size of 1 kg, with the exhaust valve open ½ to ¾ of the cooking, then open all the time remaining to avoid the steam and damp face caramelize the grain.

After cooking, hang them upside down using the stainless steel skewers, cool molto bene prima di capovolgerle, almeno 8 ore, dopodichè confezionare.

Ho sperimentato numerose varianti di glasse che in seguito riporto,comunque quella che mi ha dato più soddisfazione è questa:
ALBUME Kg. 0,800 / 1 circa
Macinare a secco le nocciole con lo zucchero fino ad ottenere una granella, dopodiche aggiungere 500 Gr. Di albume e la vaniglia /vanillina e raffinare al massimo ripetendo l'ultimo passaggio 2 volte, facendo attenzione a non surriscaldare la massa.

Mettere in planetaria ed aggiungere il rimanente albume, il composto deve risultare fluido, scorrevole, but it should not leak.

I used a roller refiner porphyry, if you use other type cutter etc. EQUIPMENT. must be very careful not to heat the mass, since oil would give up everything and compromise.
about 1.5 liters (2) HAZEL Gr.620 - BITTER Gr 80 - Gr SUGAR 1500 - ALBUM Lt 0,500 - VANILLIN
(3) HAZEL Gr 750 - SWEET ARMELLINI Gr.450 - BITTER Gr 50 - Gr SUGAR 2500 - Album - VANILLIN
(5) ARMELLINI 500g - ALMOND Gr-500g SWEET HAZEL 1000 - SUGAR Gr 5000 - Album - STARCH - vanillin.

The doves in cooking

His notes

Teresio Leoncini

For doses housewives, divide by 10 ingredients.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bmx Stickers ( Diamondback )

E 'preparation of the Tuscan tradition, these small semi-sweet bread, the faint aroma of rosemary, are prepared in the period Easter.

Ingredients: 500g flour
W 300 (alternatively manitoba commercial cut with 30% of flour for pizza)
water 300g sugar

75gr 40gr 15gr lard oils Ages

6gr 8g salt 1 teaspoon fresh yeast
soy lecithin (optional) 1 teaspoon malt
(or honey)
1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh rosemary
1 teaspoon fresh rosemary 1 egg white to brush
120gr raisins soaked in warm water and rum

For the frosting, bring to a boil with 30g water and 30g of sugar as glucose.

Evening: Boil 200g water titato with rosemary, let cool.
us restore the weight of water, dissolve 4g of yeast, add 100 grams of flour (if you have to be used in Manitoba purity), mix well and we put in the refrigerator at 5 °, in a tightly covered, for approx. 12 hours.

Morning: poolish pull out of the fridge, give a stir and leave at room temperature.

Meanwhile pulverize the lecithin in the grinder, stemperiamola in 100gr of water remaining, slightly warmed, add the 2g of yeast, malt, 80g of flour, stir and let swell.

heat the oil with the rosemary until they begin to sizzle, turn off the heat and let cool.

poured into the bowl two Preimpastato most of the remaining flour and we start the machine with the leaf to speed 1. We put salt and shortly after the last part of flour, let string vel. 1.5. We put the lard and absorption, the filtered oil flush, turn upside down and we start with the dough hook at Speed \u200b\u200b1.5, kneading until the mass becomes a smooth, semi-gloss and very elastic.
We put the raisins and squeeze lightly flour the dough and let them distribute it at low speed. Alternatively, we enlarge the dough on spainatoia, distribute raisins, rolled and kneaded gently.

Cover the bowl and we put at 26 ° until doubled.

reversed the dough on a pastry board and take a tour of folds of type 1, we cover a bell.

After 20 ', portion the dough into 80g pieces and wrap ball too loosely.

in trays well apart, and after a few minutes, flatten the balls slightly, brush with egg white.

We cover ourselves and to rise to 26 ° until doubled.

Brush again with egg white practice with scissors, cut a cross or four cross-cuts with a razor blade anointed with oil and bake at 180 degrees for about steam. 14 'or up to coloring.

Just out of the oven, brush with glaze and let cool.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Medication For Indegestive

the mock orange pastry tarte

Molti di voi la conosceranno già, è una ricetta che girava anni fà su cucinait, della quale non mi è mai stata molto chiara la paternità. Probabile derivi dalla ricetta di Lory , che prevede la ricotta.

Fatto sta che, a mio avviso, fornisce una sfoglia particolarmente adatta per piccola pasticceria salata, dal sapore più gradevole rispetto alla ricetta classica.

Non da ultimo, il fatto che non presenti alcuna difficoltà di esecuzione, per cui anche chi non avesse dimestichezza può prepararla senza alcun problema.

La ricetta originale prevedeva parti uguali dei tre ingredienti, col tempo si è ridotta la quantità di burro, senza inficiare la sfogliatura.

E' comodissima da tenere in freezer, pronta da stendere o già confezionata da infornare.


250gr farina 00
250gr formaggio spalmabile (tipo Philadelphia o similari)
160gr burro morbido
2 pizzichi abbondanti di sale

Setacciamo la farina con il sale, uniamo il formaggio ed il burro a pezzetti and stir with a fork or a spatula by cutting hard to obtain a more or less regular briciolame.

wrap up the crumbs in the film (a type scegliamone PVC-free) and help with this, compact the ground and form a rectangle with a side of a half longer the other, a bit high 'less than a finger.

to refrigerator until the next day.

Place the dough on a lightly floured work surface and let around a simple (three), as for the common pastry. We have in the fridge for half an hour.

repeat the process two more times, three laps around simple. At first the mixture will look grainy and uneven, but the third round will comply.

Now stendiamolo thin, ca. 2 - 3mm and us use as we please. I'm going I did some mini croissants with ricotta cheese ripening of Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper, salami and cheese semipiccante. With
I got the same filling of small savory danish

and the remainder of the dough I have sprinkled with Parmesan cheese and sesame seeds and cut into diamond shapes ( as seen on Coquinaria ).

As you can see, the leaf is clear and obvious.